1001 Freelance Projects
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Сегодня: 04-May-2024 05:44 GMT
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Название проекта: Эссе на английском языке на 3000 слов
Кто разместил: Внешний проект с weblancer.net
Открыт: 11-May-2023 16:54 GMT
Описание: Нужно написать эссе на 3000 слов, +-100 слов. Работа должна быть уникальной БЕЗ использования нейросетей и другой фигни, БЕЗ выдуманных references и т.д. До 16го, 00:00.  Как пример прикреплю работу написанную AI, при проверке дает 90 - 100%.
Тему скажу лично лс.
Paper guidelines
Length: 3000 words +/- 100.
Required elements:
1. Title
o The title should very succinctly deliver the main argumentative point of your paper.
2. Intro
o The introduction should read like a shortened version of your paper, where you (1) briefly describe your research problem/puzzle, as well as the theoretical and/or empirical context which makes it a problem/puzzle, (2) clearly state your research question, (3) briefly summarize the argument you are trying to make, (4) describe the sequence of your analysis and the type of empirical data you will look at, and (5) hint at a broader relevance of your findings.
3. Literature review/Theoretical section
o Here you need to analyse (not simply summarize!) what the existing academic literature has to say about your problem, in what way, if any, other authors tried to tackle it before and what they overlooked/misinterpreted. The key aims of the literature review are (1) to demonstrate your awareness of the academic conversations that may be directly or indirectly relevant for your problem and question; and (2) to find an angle from which you could bring in your own contribution into one or several of those conversations. Please, consider using Google Scholar or Webster Library databases for completing this part of your research paper.
4. Proposition of a better/alternative angle from which the problem at hand can be tackled more efficiently (aka Methodological section)
o Having analysed the existing literature, you need to propose your own way of looking at the studied problem and outline briefly how exactly you are planning to approach it, what kind of empirical data you would be looking at, what time frame you will choose to conduct your analysis, and what spatial context you will focus on. Each of the above explanations must contain answers to two questions: WHAT and WHY? The golden rule of writing a research paper is: Justify, justify, justify!
5. Analysis
o This section should be devoted to a detailed empirical analysis of the chosen sources and data that should aim at answering your research question. There is a great variety of data that you can choose to analyse: speeches, policy documents, historical materials, statistics, legislations, imagery, everyday discourse, and secondary sources as well (such as scholarly publications).
6. Conclusion
o The concluding section should perform two main functions: (1) it should summarize your argument and contribution; (2) it should propose a potential starting point for further analysis, i.e. another potential problem that may arise from the research you have carried out, and that other authors could pick up to carry on the academic conversation that you have participated in.
Number of words per section:
• This may vary from paper to paper, but try to make sections 3, 4, and 5 balanced – not in a sense that they should be of identical length, but in a sense that neither should be reduced to a minimum.
• The introductory section is a very important one and it would usually be longer that the concluding section. Once you are done with writing up your argument, please, make sure you return to the beginning and rewrite your introduction so that it matches with and nicely reflects the final version of your paper in its structure and narrative.
Project ID: 4482448
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